We Are All In This Together


Dear Conant Community,

Just a few short weeks ago, when schools were first closed, we circled this week of April 6 as the first opportunity to get back to “normal”.  At least, that’s my word for describing what I expected to happen.  Of course, normal is different for all of us; but I like to think it’s a reflection of our shared experiences.  We haven’t had those shared experiences lately, at least in the traditional sense.  There haven’t been any birthday parties, sport leagues or even playdates and romps around a playground.

As difficult as the past weeks have been, and the next few weeks are expected to be, there have been glimmers of hope.  I’m not just talking about the turning of spring, with flowers blooming and the warmer weather, but in everyone’s spirit.  While there haven’t been traditional gatherings, there have been drive-by celebrations and well wishing.  From video chats, instant messaging and email, there have been opportunities to keep the students connected.

The daily Zoom classroom sessions have brightened the day, as have faculty prepared videos.  Not only by engaging with other students, but by having teachers become a physical part of the students’ day.  It’s definitely a bright spot for the students and perhaps an even brighter spot for a parent working from home.

Since I’ve been at Conant, and in my role in the PTO, I’ve been impressed with the Conant spirit.  We have a lot of good people looking to do good work for the school and community.  I’m pleased to report that what we’re going through now has not diminished that spirit one bit.

I’ve been asked how the PTO can help provide technology to help with the new distance learning model and if there was a fund-raising effort to help fund it.  Well, there’s always a fund-raising effort, sensibly conducted at an appropriate social distance (https://www.conantpto.org/donate), though we are understanding and sympathetic that this is a difficult time for a lot of reasons.

Regarding technology, I’m pleased to report that Mr. Sugrue, Mrs. Dressler and the teachers have been asking students and their families if they have any technology needs the District can address.  As needs are communicated, Conant and the District are making sure everyone has what they need.  That is something we can all be proud of as a Conant Community, but also as residents of a wonderful school district.

While the PTO’s activities are on hold, our role need not be diminished in the long run.  Please consider helping out in any way you can.  Donations are always accepted; but please also use this time to consider volunteering at the next opportunity.  Volunteer organizations are only as strong as its people.

When this is over, and it will be, I hope we come out of this even stronger as a community.  Every one of us is going through this differently; yet we are all in this together.

 Be well.

Jimmy Reichert
PTO President

Walter Rodriguez