A Letter from Heather Makris - Retirement


Dear Conant Community,

As of last summer, I planned to retire from being your primary School Nurse at the end of this June. It is with great sadness to me that I will be leaving and not be able to say all of the good-byes that I had hoped to. I know this is a hard time for all. Many fun activities are being missed by everyone... The children are learning resilience. This will be very helpful to them. But it is a tough lesson for all of us to learn . 

It may be hard for your children to understand that I won't be returning. I don't want the children to think COVID has anything to do with my retirement. I am well and retirement was a decision I thought long and hard about. I plan to do volunteer work, see my family more, and do other fun things. I will still be here in Acton and hope to run into you around town. I miss the children SO MUCH!

There is good news too! Mrs. Margita Chudik, our "Friday" nurse will be taking over for me full-time this summer. This is wonderful! She will be an asset to the Conant Community. She and I worked seamlessly over the past number of years. I can't think of a better person to pass my job to.

It has been a joy seeing so many children grow up! Thank you to all of the parents who have been supportive to the needs of the health office and donating supplies. I have enjoyed interacting with parents, staff, and students, please note the list is in no particular order! If I can offer some support to the children as the school year closes at home, feel free to reach out to me.

With Warmest Regards,


 Resilience is a key skill for children to learn.


Walter Rodriguez